
错爱的伤心小短句 懂你的心 句句扎心!


Its quiet tonight, no love words, no you 我们谁都曾失望过,谁都曾受伤,但人生本就如此,完美无缺只是童话

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It"s quiet tonight, no love words, no you.


All of us have been disappointed, all of us have been hurt, but life is like this, perfect is just a fairy tale.However, everyone has the opportunity not to leave their own regrets.?


Some things, inadvertently will think of;Some memories, gray hair can not forget;Some wounds, others will never see, because it is deep in your heart.


Time flies, years long, how much of the world of mortals past can only become eternal memory, it seems that time went for a long time, I took the years of wind and sand to pursue those who have been beautiful.Helpless, when I know how to cherish, suddenly look back, but can not find each other, acts left gradually go gradually far back.


There is a kind of justice in letting the lonely continue to get what they want.


Always, can not help but doubt to the whole world, doubt that the eyes, the smile, the words, the expression, neither cold nor hot, half-aloof.Spoony pen dizzy, but it is lonely one after another.


You say, when you want to cry tears to stop it from falling, what is the use?


A man who does not bathe will not smell good if he puts on perfume.Fame and honor are derived from genuine learning.Virtue is the fragrance of nature.


A city, a person, guarding a vacant room, doing a person"s meal.


Now, all of them have long been unrecognizable.


Please let this place go with the wind.


Why the university is to arrange classes so loosely and then spent four years, rather than as a middle school in 7 to 5 graduated two years it is to be like this, to four years, to grind the elan, you use your dream, break up the firm love, then can safely to a smooth enough and the reality of you, to the society, marriage, in the reality.


The rich live in many ways and the poor live in much the same way


If you weeped for the missing sunset, you would miss all the shining stars.

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