
让人感同身受的爱情短句 干净有气质 深刻走心!


Love is involuntary, easy to get easy to see, did not get, or can not get, just feel rare and precious 爱情是不由自主的,得来容易就看得容易,没得到的,或者得不到的,才觉得稀罕珍贵

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If someone is better than me, also please don"t think I can reject all ambiguous.



Love is involuntary, easy to get easy to see, did not get, or can not get, just feel rare and precious.


She laughs at the thought.


Happiness is straightforward: you and I sit together to chat and laugh, and do some stupid things.


You are my unexpected courage, and also the entanglement I have to give up.


The most beautiful thing is not keep time, but retain memories. The real power, not to forgive others, but let themselves.


Two people together for a long time, will become easy to quarrel, and the terrible thing is easy to make up. So the repeated entanglement, often on the verge of breaking out, until the love wears away, and finally part on bad terms.


It"s great to have you in the world and I only wish that the time would be peaceful in our rest of lives.


She does not love you will mature rational, if she loves you will be naive perceptual.


It"s nice to have someone you like. Sunny days are good for meeting. Rainy days are good for missing


Please those winter missed things, those love, those gentle, the people who have been waiting for a long time, in this spring, all dada dada ran into my arms!


No matter where you go, the most want to go or your side.


To get to know a man better than to love him; When you are with a woman, love her more than you know her.


The thing I hate the most is when you ignore me for a long time and then start talking to me like nothing happened and I"m ecstatic.


And later, I gradually understand that the so-called maturity is, I am not waiting, and you also towards a better life to work hard, after no longer meet the day, please take care.



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