
适宜在忧伤时看的暖心短句 满怀期待 充满现实的无奈


我错了。我对你的遭遇感到非常抱歉。我希望一切都会变得更好。I was wrong Im very sorry for what happened to you I hope everything

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I was wrong. I"m very sorry for what happened to you. I hope everything will be better.


But the most painful thing is that you love someone but don"t have the courage to let him know how you feel.


I want to tell you something in my heart, but I know you don"t want to hear it. I feel a lot in my throat. I used to love talking to others, and I hope others can share some troubles for me.


I am still here, and I can hold you in my arms when you are afraid of helplessness.


If the room of the soul is not cleaned, it will be covered with dust. A dusty heart will become dark and confused. We have to experience many things every day, happy and unhappy, and we all settle down in our hearts. When there are many things, it will become messy and disorderly, and the heart will become chaotic. Painful emotions and unpleasant memories, if filled with heart, can make people depressed. So sweeping the floor and removing dust can brighten the dim heart.


If you don"t sing a familiar song for a long time, you will forget it. If you don"t get in touch with familiar people, you will become unfamiliar.


It takes courage, not words, to miss someone.


No one can compete with the past, and no riddled love can compete with time.


Lonely patients face all the sadness alone.


Once you decide to turn around, you won"t look back. Death is not an instant. Forgiveness is more numbness. Disappointment and saving are more despair. I won"t let you leave in a big way. I have forgiven you many times. I want to give myself a chance to make a decision. Well, I won"t tell you how to cherish it by leaving. Be quiet. My heart is broken.

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