
冷艳又撩人的深情小句子 抚慰伤心 令人惆怅!


Caught by your world, Im black and blue, but I still dont want to run away 蓝色的窗帘,玻璃般的心,对你透明,但容易悲伤

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宝宝出生前几天,我蒙住他的眼睛,问有没有人给你生个孩子,你就结婚了!他不经意地回答,都跟谁有宝宝一样,不是宝宝!那一刻,我哭得心都碎了!第一次哭得这么伤心!从此只记得那一刻~ ~

A few days before the baby was born, I blindfolded him and asked if anyone had given you a baby, and you got married! He casually replied, just like anyone who has a baby, it"s not a baby! At that moment, I cried my heart out! I cried so sadly for the first time! Only remember that moment ~ ~


Caught by your world, I"m black and blue, but I still don"t want to run away.


Blue curtains, glass-like hearts, transparent to you, but easy to be sad.


Those who are waiting to see my jokes, I will always smile for you.


I miss the happiness I once had, but forget the beauty I have now!


Have you written a person"s name on a foggy mirror or glass, and then scrawled it off?


In the past sunshine, will I still exist? They will all dry out before dawn.


Silly child, please believe that you will be happy. When happiness comes, please accept it modestly and manage it well.


I have nothing, I can"t catch anything, and my heart is empty and pitiful.


No one in this world can live more easily than others, but some people are crying for heaven and earth, while others are silently insisting.

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