
沙雕女孩每日必备的皮皮句 皮到飞起来!


I really envy you for having the money to buy so many lipsticks The condition like mine is to go out and kiss the coup

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I really envy you for having the money to buy so many lipsticks. The condition like mine is to go out and kiss the couplet at the door.

二、一个奶奶走着走着菜掉了,她佝偻着腰弯不下去,她问:可以帮帮我吗,我:好的 然后我把奶奶的腰按了下去

A grandmother walked and dropped the vegetables. She couldn"t bend down. She asked: Can you help me, I: OK, then I pressed my grandmother"s waist down

三、吃鸡三个无敌战神带一个躺的有人来吗 躺的有了 差三个无敌战神

Eat chicken, three invincible God of war, bring one to lie down. Anybody here? There are three invincible God of war


It"s hard to be a normal person these days. I want to be friends with you, but you all treat me like a goddess. What should I do


Our art teacher said to the students who were sleeping in class: "Why should you sleep more before you die? You must sleep forever after you die."


I beg you not to lose the king"s losing streak. I originally felt that my life was helpless, lonely and sad. Only when you made such a losing streak, I seemed to eat honey. I couldn"t help but laugh when I typed

七、单身的悲剧就是一个人吃酸辣粉不小心弄到眼睛里也不敢去洗 怕服务员收盘 只能流着眼泪吃完

The tragedy of being single is that a person who eats hot and sour rice noodles accidentally gets it in his eyes and doesn"t dare to wash it, fearing that the waiter will finish it with tears

八、我为什么长那么好看主要有以下两个原因: 一、我有一张胡说八道的嘴 二、我在梦游

There are two main reasons why I look so good: First, I have a nonsense mouth. Second, I am sleepwalking


Even numbers are good and lucky, so my double chin is sure to bring good luck.

十、最想跟哪个爱豆谈恋爱 点赞这条白日梦下辈子实现

Which love bean do you want most to fall in love with and praise this daydream will come true in the next life


Scientific research has proved that every day to say to yourself that you are the most beautiful, slowly you will find that your skin is getting thicker and thicker

十二、之前也考虑过劳斯莱斯和大G 最后还是选择了公交 因为人多热闹

After considering Rolls-Royce and Big G before, they finally chose public transportation because of the crowds.


Let me ask you a question, will the electric eel be electrocuted by the electric eel or will the electric eel be electrocuted by the electric eel?

十四、小燕子 穿花衣 年年春天来这里 我问燕子你为啥来 燕子说先他妈管好你自己.

The little swallow wears a flower coat and comes here every spring. I ask the swallow why you come to the swallow and say that you should take care of yourself first.

十五、好姐妹在我面前哭 我赶紧在桌上抽了两张纸 把眼睛挡住 眼不见心不烦.

Good sisters cried in front of me. I quickly drew two sheets of paper on the table to keep my eyes out of sight and heart out of mind.

十六、怎么让你喜欢的人追你 首先你站在他面前深情的看着她 然后给他个嘴巴子你就跑 相信我 他肯定会追你

How do you let the person you like chase you? First you stand in front of him and look at her affectionately, then give him a mouth and you run away. Believe me, he will definitely chase you.


Studies show that drinking a glass of hot milk an hour before bed every night costs a few dollars more than people who don"t drink milk

十八、看见别的女孩子吃我也吃 看见别的女孩子买我也买 看见别的女孩子又瘦又美我就当没看见

I saw other girls eating, I saw other girls buying, I also bought, I saw other girls thin and beautiful, I just didn"t see it


Now I"m dancing laser rain with the spirit guy. I"ll take a jack-o-lantern home and bring you a betel nut.

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