
很细腻充满现实的伤感文案 治愈伤心 值得收藏


Man, in the face of great happiness, suddenly becomes very timid 喜欢这种东西,捂住嘴巴,也会从眼睛里跑出来

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Man, in the face of great happiness, suddenly becomes very timid.


Like this stuff, cover your mouth, will also come out of your eyes.


Some relationships, broken off is broken, good gather good scattered, each well.-- Words that make each other heartache after breaking up


There is no right or wrong, only value or not.Love is a kind of encounter, some people meet at the wrong time, can only pass by, become a kind of regret


You think he will be moved by enthusiasm, you think you worry about personal gains and losses he will heartache, in fact, there is no, only you again and again bitchy initiative.


Without you, the earth still turns, but I am not the earth.


"I"m gonna hold you when I go out."


I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter;I miss you when I am happy, just as I miss the shade of a tree in the hot sun.


I don"t want to use my leave to let you know how to cherish.


Do not know is love or helpless, even if you made me cry, but your sincere apology will be my reason beat down, rushed into your arms.


Watch a sad movie, I will burst into tears, I do not know is for the sad plot, or for the thrill of sadness.


A feeling that does not belong to love, in fact, at the beginning of the end.

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