
超温馨又美轮美奂的情感文案 满是委屈 内心爽朗


Mars, the dark hero who led everyone to break through the tragedy I couldnt sleep in the middle of the night, but I sud

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Mars, the dark hero who led everyone to break through the tragedy. I couldn"t sleep in the middle of the night, but I suddenly remembered this.


Leg cramp, can"t sleep. I smoked my right leg yesterday and my left leg today. Now both legs hurt. Get up and take a walk.


I couldn"t sleep the year before and the year after.


Late night train is quiet enough, still unable to sleep, that is the call of home.


Originally, the feeling of caring for a person is that she is not allowed to be sad, not allowed to shed tears, or even work overtime, because it will tire people.


The most precious memory, yes. It"s just the past. You can"t go back.


In the eyes of others, this near-perfect life is a kind of torture for me.


Most people who can"t sleep late at night either have stories in their hearts or have old friends in their hearts.


Do you know what"s most irritating? It"s not casting pearls before swine, it"s a herd of cattle playing coins at you.


I lost sleep after drinking coffee again, which was not the case before.


I don"t know why I can"t sleep at such a night.


After the heartache, I realized how much I love you. We don"t know that we are right for each other until we fall in love.


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