
适用于夜深人静时发孤独文案 个性又高级 适合收藏


The socalled upset, is not as good as their own intentions, imagination and reality, a gap, that is, the heart of trouble 其实在你离开后,我就学会了原谅

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The so-called upset, is not as good as their own intentions, imagination and reality, a gap, that is, the heart of trouble.


In fact, after you left, I learned to forgive.


I laugh at your mistakes, and you never let go of mine.


With the deepest hurt, to express the deepest love.


I don"t want you to have no feelings, just hope that you have known how to cherish feelings when you met me.


If there is predestined relationship, time and space are not distance;If not, all day together will not understand.


When I"m away from you, it doesn"t seem to matter.


This one life, not easy, love each other to the old, not greasy.


The saddest thing for a man is the death of conscience.


I want to take you to a roast purple potato and whisper in your ear, "I purple potato and you."


There is always an old man, or old and wretched, or old and ordinary, or old and elegant, we always have a choice.


Someone, no matter how long, I love you without hesitation.If one day you look back, no matter how long, I have been in.

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