
伤感又治愈的神仙文案 深邃而含蓄 总有一句适合你!


Womens expectations of men rose faster than prices, and mens feelings for women became more frequent than the stock market

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Women"s expectations of men rose faster than prices, and men"s feelings for women became more frequent than the stock market.


I"ll wait for you at the next intersection...


May many years later, you and I know old friends, drink old wine drunk, sing a youth immortal!


Love and love, more than a word, but separated by a once......


I don"t want to forget you, you put the dust in my memory.

所有的关系中 懂得互相服软 轮流低头 就不会走散

All the relationships know how to be soft to each other in turn bow their heads will not be separated


The years are silent and frightening.


Some people can"t afford one more failure.So weak!


When a person really consciousness of the moment, he gave up the pursuit of the wealth of the external world, and began to pursue the real wealth of his inner world.


Condition of ideal husband: bring out bring back.


No matter how old, no matter how family and friends urge, do not treat marriage casually, marriage is not playing cards, reshuffle to pay a huge price.


The person I love is not my lover, every inch of his heart belongs to another person.

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