
适合置顶的高质量文案 温暖有格调 现实在理!


There is no reason for love, so love cant be ignored Happiness is a luxury 没有爱的理由,所以爱不能被忽视。幸福是一种奢侈。Im n

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There is no reason for love, so love can"t be ignored. Happiness is a luxury.


I"m not afraid that the road is too far and I can"t find the end, but I"m afraid that two worlds can"t draw a circle.


Excessive pursuit of perfect love, it is difficult to perfect the ending of love; Excessive pursuit of transparent love, love is easy to break; Excessive pursuit of hot love, love may burn yourself; Excessive pursuit of material love means that we have betrayed love; Excessive pursuit of lofty love, love without oxygen will slowly suffocate.


When a world is full of hatred, we must still dare to hope. When a world is full of resentment, we must still dare to comfort. When a world is full of despair, we must still dare to dream. When a world is full of suspicion, we must still dare to trust.


However, busy people look at people, anxious people wait for people, uncomfortable people miss people, warm people help people, moved people hurt people, cruel people hurt people, insidious people count people, depressed people count people, shame people play people, difficult people ask for help, angry people are better than people, successful people are superior, rich people deceive people, comfortable people play people. Life is between people.


The most hypocritical thing is to say good night to each other and then play with things that each other doesn"t know!


We really live a hard life. First, we have to bear all kinds of external pressures, but also face our inner confusion. In the process of struggling, if someone casts an understanding eye on you, you will feel the warmth of life, and perhaps only a short glance will be enough to excite me.


When I break up with you, I would like to be a tear in your eyes. When you cry me out, let me disappear on your lips.


Every failure has the foreshadowing of success. Every ordeal has the wealth of life. Every test, there is a harvest; Every time I cry, I feel a little disillusioned. Every pain is the pillar of growth; Every blow is a strong backing. We must experience some setbacks while we are alive, and we can overcome setbacks again and again to make us still alive.


I always thought that missing is not worth the fleeting time. I thought that missing didn"t penetrate the courage of fleeting time. After parting, I discovered that it wasn"t missing that I couldn"t persist, but at the end of fleeting time. No one could wait.


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