
让人放松的感情文案 充满力量 适合收藏


If you cry, wet is always my face, if you are sad, bitter is always my heart 当我懒得再去主动时,我会慢慢接受对我主动的人

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If you cry, wet is always my face, if you are sad, bitter is always my heart.


When I am too lazy to take the initiative, I will slowly accept the initiative to me.


All that comes late is just the beginning.


Can I be your Royal Highness, Kyushu River you only protect me.


Do you know what my favorite food is?I don"t know. I"m staring at you.


Communicate with smart people, fall in love with reliable people, work with positive people, and accompany humorous people.If life can be so, enough.


If the heart of the sun, fearless sadness.


If one day I want to travel around the world, can I circle around you?


I went to his past, not jealous, I just sad, kind of deep feeling, he never gave me.


Even if ENDURE loneliness, I don"t care, you happy every day, is also my happiness.


When the wind stops chasing clouds, when the ice stops melting water, when the fire stops burning, when the stone stops being hard, when there is no love in the world, I will stop loving you


Love you, but want to have no desire, good difficult!Love you, but secretly, very tired!Love you, but let their own heart, very sad!But willing to do it, silly!


Rain, washed away what;The sun after a storm, bring what.No, none of them.

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