
暖暖的高级温情文案 释放忧伤 治愈自己内心!


Women are made of water, men are made of mud, Li Junji and Li Yuchun are made of cement 每个人生命里都会出现一个在宿命最初的地方带着纯真伤口,快乐微笑的人

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Women are made of water, men are made of mud, Li Junji and Li Yuchun are made of cement.


In everyone"s life, there will be a happy smiling person with pure wounds in the original place of fate.


I leave, not I don"t love you.


You are the deepest feeling I have ever experienced in my life!


Confession: I have tried to kill with tofu, take noodles to hang, but all failed, you call me how to do?


To be respectful is to dignify yourself.


I fell in love several times because of loneliness.Who knows repeatedly defeated, easy to be kicked!


I do not want to bully people, others can insult?


We like cactus, guard against others, lonely themselves.


I thought if I could make you laugh, you would like me, but I lost, lost to the one who can make you cry.


You have to learn to be an adult and not to complain to everyone because people are unpredictable and know that there are more people in the world who see your jokes than care about you.


One of my few wishes is to spend a lifetime with you.

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