
送给自己的治愈文案 字里行间的伤心 令人难以忘怀


Believing that love can change a person is not only the advantage of youth, but also the sorrow of youth 像一本厚厚的纪念画册,我始终不敢触碰过去的云

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If I didn"t know that love was still love, would I be so swayed by considerations of gain and loss and insatiable?


Believing that love can change a person is not only the advantage of youth, but also the sorrow of youth.


Like a thick memorial album, I always dare not touch the clouds of the past.


If I can cry, I don"t want to endure; If I can be selfish, I don"t want to give in. If I can be weak, I don"t want to be strong either. If I can let go, I don"t want to insist. If I can choose to love another person, I just want to love you again, and this time, I won"t let go so easily. Unfortunately, life has no ifs, and the past will never come back, and what comes back is no longer perfect.


Love to laugh, I am proud, don"t cry, don"t make trouble, I ignore all ridicule.


When we can"t turn back, we can only move on. We can finally settle down for a while. We are the survivors of the dead. I should be grateful, but I only have thoughts and sorrows for you. They are as vast as rivers, and I can"t sink into them.


Say you love me with your eyes closed, even if I talk in my sleep, I am satisfied.


You can change because you love someone, and ask yourself not to change this side.


If a relationship doesn"t make you a better person, chances are you"ve chosen the wrong person.


We are like merry-go-round, never separated, but never together.

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