


必修一短语汇总Module 11 与相似 be similar to2 对…的态度 ones attitude to towards sth doing sth3 对…充满热情 be enthusiastic abo

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Module 1

1.与……相似 be similar to

2.对…的态度 one"s attitude to/towards sth /doing sth

3.对…充满热情 be enthusiastic about

4.离……很远 far from;

5.写下,记下 write down

6.教学的方法 method of teaching

7.一点也不像 nothing like

8.我认为他们学校不是7:45上课,对吗?I don"t think they start school at 7:45, do they?

9.对……感到厌烦 be bored with

10.介绍 introduce A to B

11.以小组形式 in groups

12.起初 at first

13.独自地 by ourselves

14.以一种有趣的方式 in a fun way

15.换句话说 in other words

16.据说 they say that

17.正期待着be looking forward to

18.对……印象深刻be deeply impressed with/by

19.超过more than

20.取得巨大进步make great progress

21.全世界的all over the world

22.你介意Would you mind doing---

23.在……开始的时候at the start/beginning of

24.最近怎么样How are you doing?

25.我也是So have I. 否定时,Neither/Nor have I.

26.真的吗Is that right?

27.近况如何?How"s it going?

28.在……结束时at the end of

29.上大学go to college

30.被分为 be divided into

31.参加take part in

32.比日本多得多than that of Japan

33.留下很深的印象leave a deep impression on sb

Module 2

1.确保make sure

2.如果--没有关系It doesn"t matter if--


4.避免avoid doing sth

5.犯错误make mistakes

6.不敢说don"t dare to say/ dare not say


8.准时地on time

9.条理性很好的well organised

10.承认喜欢admit liking

11.结果as a result

12.取得好成绩do well in/get great grades

13.在陈老师的教导下with Ms Chen teaching me

14.入睡,睡觉fall asleep

15.讲笑话tell jokes

16.不耐烦了get bored

17. 由于……的原因 as a result of

18.尊敬某人show respect for sb/ respect sb

19.总之in summary/in short/in a word/ all in all/ in conclusion

20.目前at present/ at the moment

21.花费时间读书spend time in reading books

22.宁愿……也不……would rather do A than do B

23.更喜欢prefer sth

24.宁愿……也不……prefer to do A rather than do B

25.你听明白了吗Have you got that?

26.看看Take /Have a look!

27.就这样定了That"s settled.

28.几个的a couple of

29.由你来定It"s up to you.

30.对于我来说,……太困难了It"s difficult for me to do sth

31.师生之间的关系relationship between teachers and students

32.适用于be true of

33.与……轻松相处be relaxed with

34.在……有问题have problems with sth/ have problems in doing sth

35.支付pay for

36.公立学校 state schools

37.私立学校private schools

38.对人/事有耐心be patient with sb/ be patient of sth

39.确保make sure of

40.受欢迎be popular with

41.对人,对事严格be strict with sb in sth

Module 3

1.将……与……匹配起来match A with B

2.涉及,参考refer to

3.起飞take off

4.第一次(for)the first time

5.提供……给……supply sth to sb; supply sb with sth

6.多么美妙的一次旅行啊What a wonderful ride!

7.下车get off

8.上车get on

9.在……中央in the middle of

10.专家做的饭meals cooked by experts

11.向外看Look out of--

12.与……说话talk to

13.听---listen to

14.大约在半夜at about midnight

15.旅行的方法a way to travel

16.……的缩写be short for

17.受过训练的骆驼trained camels

18.直到二十世纪二十年代until the 1920s

19.不再not any more/longer

20.通过一项法律pass a law

21.允许某人做……allow sb to do sth/ sb be allowed to do sth

23.允许吸烟allow smoking

24.过时了out of date

25.某人第一次去my first visit to

26.一直,总是all the time

27.在空中in the air

28.努力try to do

29.在幼儿园at kindergarten

30.隔壁的next door

31.玩耍play with

32.我明白了I see

33.以……速度行驶at a speed of

34.参加开幕式attend the opening ceremony

35.乘火车去……take the train to

36.达到…的速度reach a speed of

Module 4

1.在中国的南部in the south of China

2.在第三层on the third floor

3.五层的five-storey/ five-storeyed

4.那么高in height

5.由……组成be made of

6.自从……以来,已经六年了It has been six years since that +一般过去时

7.这是第一次This is the first time that +现在完成时

8.最有吸引力的地方之一one of the most attractive places

9.沿海的on the coast

10.幸运地住在这feel fortunate in living here

11.在海边by the seaside

12.在……的西北方in the northwest of

13.气候怎么样What"s the climate like?

14.听起来sound adj.

15.建造put up

16.房租高the rent is high

17.接近港口approach the harbour

18.在水对面across the water

19.四处走走walk around

20.一会儿for a while/moment

21.不错的小巧的鱼餐馆nice little fish restaurant

22.到目前为止so far

23.到目前为止up to now

24.到现在为止till now

25.出去走走get out

26.远离get away from

27.我这样想对吗Am I right in thinking that……?

28.许多a number of ,a lot of ,a great/ good many

28.祝贺你的成功Congratulations on your success!

29.时间地点定在make it

30.又冷又饿的remain hungry and cold

31.在周末at weekends

32.上升go up

33.买不起cannot afford to buy

34.赚钱make money

35.挣扎着生存fight to survive

36.用……换……exchange A for B

Module 5

1.一种……的混合物a mixture of

2.地球表面三分之二是水Two-thirds of the earth"s surface is water

3.从……到……的距离the distance of A from B

4.得出结论come to/draw/reach/arrive at a conclusion

5.把……按顺放好put something in order

6.目的在于aim to do sth/aim at doing sth

7.想到think of

8.与……反应react with

9.在顶部at the top of

10.确保 make sure

11.把… 加到…add … to

12.不让…进入keep… out of

13.继续吧go ahead

14.轮到你做…It"s your turn to

15.过去used to do

16.最新的设备the latest equipment

17.发现make a discovery


19.为…感到自豪骄傲be proud of

20.在大学at university

21.应该be supposed to

22.在……领域 in the area of

Module 6

1.自由使用 sb have free access to sth/ sth be accessible to sth

2.登陆log on/in

3.……的来源the/a source of

4.包含consist of/ be made up of

5.开发一种做…的方法develop a way to do sth

6.使之有可能做某事 make it possible for sb to do sth

7.也 as well

8.作为…而---著名become known as

9.此刻,现在at the moment

10.网络通信web traffic




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