
一句话就能吸引到你的文案 温柔精致 适合发到朋友圈!


The morning is the quietest time in the world The stars gradually appear from the moment of darkness until the morning 这

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The morning is the quietest time in the world. The stars gradually appear from the moment of darkness until the morning.


In this way, the world is huge, life is thin, and the future is dead


The morning terrace. Looking up slightly, the light of the stars in the sky may have disappeared for many years


When you reach the earth, you can see that the light you see may be all souls, and their] entities disappeared many years ago


In the morning, you push the open and close windows. It"s raining outside. The whole street is soaked with the yellow light of street lights.


A pair of street workers who can"t see their faces clearly in raincoats are still standing in the cold rain. When you look at their] backs, you suddenly feel a burst of sadness


Since you can"t sleep tonight and open the window, you won"t know there are two lonely people in the world


In fact, others are the same. They didn"t open the window, so they don"t know there are you in the world. When everyone is asleep, they stand in front of the heavy rain and suddenly feel sad

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