
让你看懂人心的情感文案 现实扎心 句句说到点上


每个人心中都有久久不能愈合的伤Everyone has a long heart can not heal the wound张国荣说过:如果真的觉得太累及时道别并没有罪Leslie Cheu

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Everyone has a long heart can not heal the wound


Leslie Cheung once said, "There is nothing wrong with saying goodbye if you feel really tired


Buddha said: fate to day destined, fate to people from.Such is the cause, such is the fruit, all created by heart.


I nostalgic, because I can"t see you and the future.


If even love can not, then what in the world can withstand wearing.


Unrequited love is a successful pantomime that turns into a tragedy when spoken out.


You"re unhappy because you can"t stand your current situation, and you can"t change it.


Hear some things, obviously irrelevant, will turn in the heart of several bends think of you.


Obviously like you is not a day or two, but with two seconds to end the relationship


Yelling at you to hand in your homework is like pinching your flesh.


He who has lost friends has best friends.


Live like jack Bauer as long as there is no dead what can not.

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