
英语考试中的rather than讲解


{Rather than} allow them to go bad in the field, famers prefer to sell strawberries at reduced price 农民们宁愿低价出售草莓,也不愿让草莓在田间变坏

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Actually, it was the passenger {rather than} the driver that caused the serious accident on the road. 实际上,是乘客而不是司机造成了道路上的严重事故。

{Rather than} allow them to go bad in the field, famers prefer to sell strawberries at reduced price. 农民们宁愿低价出售草莓,也不愿让草莓在田间变坏。

All the teachers are well aware of the fact that most students, especially teens, need help and encouragement {rather than} punishment. 所有的老师都很清楚,大多数学生,尤其是青少年,需要帮助和鼓励而不是惩罚。

As she lives quite near our school, she often goes to work on an electric bike {rather than} in her car. 因为她住得离我们学校很近,所以她经常骑电动自行车上班,而不是开车上班。

Chengdu has focused on improving the surrounding countryside, {rather than} encouraging largescale city expansion. 成都的重点是改善周边农村,而不是鼓励大规模的城市扩张。

Facing up to your problems {rather than} running away from them is the best approach to working things out. 面对问题而不是逃避问题是解决问题的最佳方法。

He called, {rather than} said, “Thank you” to me. 他打电话给我,而不是对我说“谢谢”。

He came all the way to China for knowing its culture and history {rather than} for making money. 他远道而来是为了了解中国的文化和历史,而不是为了赚钱。

He came all the way to China for promoting friendship {rather than} for making money. 他远道来中国是为了增进友谊,而不是为了赚钱。

He went to America to improve his English {rather than} to make money, according to his parents 据他的父母说,他去美国是为了提高英语水平,而不是为了赚钱

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