
适合置顶的心情文案 深情又温柔 治愈不安!


From the chrysalis break out of the moment, is to tear off a layer of skin pain through the heart and lung many butterfl

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Want to think gentle person is probably swallowed up his irascibility and sad bar


From the chrysalis break out of the moment, is to tear off a layer of skin pain through the heart and lung many butterflies are in the moment of breaking out of the cocoon by the pain died.


Don"t wait. Your guy"s never gonna show up. He"s a fucking piece of garbage who eats chicken on the Internet


Heaven does not give me the road to go, I find the road to go, the earth does not let my road flat, I tread!You are not a young man if you are not in high spirits these days!


You gave me two choices, but one outcome.


The end of the initial illusion.


We have been looking for, looking for, that we all have the outcome.


Scattered not your shadow, had to let the heartache tu charcoal youth.


Anyone leaving you is not a sudden decision, the heart is slowly becoming cold, the leaves are gradually turning yellow, the story is slowly to the end.And love, because disappointed too much, just do not love.


The rest of the way how to walk the man"s tears how to leave a big deal to the last I go.


I forget which year which month which day I carved a face on which wall a sad smile staring at my face.


Don"t love don"t love, break up goodbye, don"t mean that we don"t get along.


Life is like a traveler, come happily, go happily.Most of all, seize the moment!


Leave you, no matter how long, always hope a moment, you will appear in front of.

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