
雅思口语Part 1中往事提问类话题回答范例


一、When did you start to …?e g When did you start to read?When did you start to use a computer?When did you start to learn how to write?1 思路When引导的特殊疑问句,需要先回答具体的时间

友情提示:本文共有 2178 个字,阅读大概需要 5 分钟。


一、When did you start to …?

e.g. When did you start to read?

When did you start to use a computer?

When did you start to learn how to write?




表达时间的副词和介词短语:about, some, probably, maybe, perhaps, in the 1990s, in the year, in January, in winter, on Sunday(s), on Tuesday morning, on Christmas Day, at six, at noon, at the age of 15, last Sunday, that morning, these years, one day, two days before, three years ago, until last year, since 2010, for five years, by the end of …, by the time…, etc.


- When did you start to read?

- Well I"m not sure when I first started reading. Probably I"ve been a reader for as long as I can remember. My mom read to me every night when I was little; I memorized the words that went along with the pictures. Then I was reading picture books completely on my own by the time I was five.


二、When was the last time…?

e.g. When was the last time you did some cooking?

When was the last time you danced?

When was the last time you gave (or sent) flowers to someone?




表达时间的副词和介词短语:about, some, probably, maybe, perhaps, in the 1990s, in the year, in January, in winter, on Sunday(s), on Tuesday morning, on Christmas Day, at six, at noon, at the age of 15, last Sunday, that morning, these years, one day, two days before, three years ago, until last year, since 2010, for five years, by the end of …, by the time…, etc.


- When was the last time you did some cooking?

- The last time I cooked was last Mother"s day, about 5 months ago. Besides making dishes, I helped clean the room, for my mother normally does the cooking and most housework in my family. Although I seldom cook, I do have a specialty -- fried crabs with Chinese cake made of sticky rice -- a traditional local dish. It was just scrumptious, and my parents and I all had a great time.


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