
深夜独自伤神的情感文字 感人肺腑 充满现实的无奈


You dont have to make decisions about your relationship with others He needs beauty, and you are beauty He needs desire,

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You don"t have to make decisions about your relationship with others. He needs beauty, and you are beauty. He needs desire, and you are desire. He needs love, you are love. He asked for isolation, so he was irrelevant. You don"t have to try to transform yourself or others. All you can do is be a quiet mirror and wipe it clean all the time. Let the other person reflect his own shadow. The shadow is gone, and you are still there.


A man is a woman"s wing, but a woman is a man"s feather.


Silent night is still spreading, and the wind of missing fills the heart with loneliness and loneliness.


Desperate, completely give up love, no longer believe in what love is in the world.


It"s the end of time, but now I"m standing on a street corner without you.


Maybe I won"t fall in love again. It happened that I met you at this moment, and my first feeling for you was wonderful. Maybe it"s really the right eye? ! To be honest, ex people in the past always chased me desperately, and always treated me desperately. I was moved by their efforts and promised them, not the first feeling.


Men are all like this. After you find out, they will explain to you in every possible way, express their views in every possible way, and give up their love completely. They will no longer be worried about being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. For an unworthy person, it is not worth becoming such a disgusting person.


Every time I cry, I fantasize that someone will hold me tight.


When I came back from Hokkaido, I smiled at each other and gave up completely, and lost heart for love. The association with Roi has always made her very contradictory. Sometimes she thinks that this person is very intimate and interesting, and sometimes she thinks that he is very emotional. When he is pessimistic, he is decadent, and when he gets excited, he loses control. He is quite a big man, but still looks like a child. What bothers her most is that although she tries hard to make herself fall in love with Roi, she always stops at her affection.


Actually, it doesn"t need any twists and turns to give up one"s heart completely. Strange stories often mean that the bright light in one"s heart is doused by sudden disappointment at a certain moment, and then you find that it is not impossible, but you can"t.


If you change your attitude towards a person from worrying about it to avoiding it, it must be that the other person has already made you desperate. LWH, just forget it, passer-by in my life. Although my thoughts for you remain unchanged, the places where I walk every day are full of beautiful memories of you and me, but they are really just memories. May everything be all right with you!


The story is not long, and it is not difficult to tell. Four words, general situation, can"t be loved.


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