
富有个性的伤感短句 简朴文艺 治愈自己内心!


Bai Causeway in the east of Gushan Mountain and Su Causeway in the southwest are like two green ribbons floating gently on the clear water 也许人生就是这样一出戏,但你永远不知道你会演完哪一出戏

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Bai Causeway in the east of Gushan Mountain and Su Causeway in the southwest are like two green ribbons floating gently on the clear water.


Maybe life is such a play, but you never know which play you will finish. You used to be angry because I couldn"t remember your number. I thought you were ridiculous at that time. If you will call me, why must I remember it? In fact, at that time, I never thought that we would stop contacting. When I really wanted to talk to you, I searched all the records, but I couldn"t find your number. No, I can find the beginning and the end, but I can"t guess the middle. Just when I was suffering endlessly, my old friend unexpectedly called inexplicably, which was both unexpected and gratifying. I admit that I needed company at that moment. Even if I don"t say anything, I will quietly listen to your wish come true. I"m so happy for you. I think people also need positive energy infection in the trough. I may fail, I may be lucky, I may pass, forget, go to bed, let"s talk about the future.


If you don"t take the initiative, I won"t take the initiative, and then our relationship will slowly disappear. No one can live without each other, only those who don"t cherish each other.


The warmest words that women can give men are "I know", and the warmest words that men can give women are "I am".


Life is a kind of bearing. When the person who loves you abandons you, it is useless to make you cry for help, life


The difference between giving up and letting go; To give up is to sacrifice what originally belonged to you, and to let go is to put down what never belonged to you.


When I was a child, I often struggled about whether to go to Tsinghua or Peking University, only to find that I really thought too much.


I don"t want to disappoint others" impression of me. I can be good or bad.


Although sometimes I don"t love that person any more, I occasionally think of it and want to ask him about his life now. When you are mature, your actions become limited to thinking, and time will tell you that letting go of feelings, whether friendship or love, is the best state to stop telling the other party that you are still missing, don"t bother, and have no intersection.


No one can control your emotions, only you can"t let yourself go, please don"t stay up late, who has no story in mind, just learned to control.

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