


下面小编为大家带来晨读哲理英语美文:心如花园,欢迎大家阅读Some time ago, Sofan and I were visiting some friends in the country We

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Some time ago, Sofan and I were visiting some friends in the country.We were staying in a beautiful little guest cabin, surrounded by fruit trees,flowers and even a few goats. Painted above the doorway in brightly colored, flowing letters were the words:Your mind is a garden.Your thoughts are the seeds.You can grow flowers or.You can grow weeds.


Little did we know it at the time, but this little poem was to have a pound both on our thought patterns aswell as our artworks.


It started almost as a kind of game. We decided to make a real effort to watch our thoughts and see exactly what it was that we were planting in our own "Mind Gardens". It was difficult first, butgradually, we began to pay more and more attention to what thoughts were repeatedly flashing across our minds.


How disturbing it was to discover that many of these“seeds" were extremely negahve thoughts destined to grow patches of thorny thistles and stinging nettles in our daily lives!


We gradually came to see how so many of the problems and difficulties we were encountering in our lives had their beguuungs in the seeds of doubt, fear and anxiety that we were continually planting in our It does take effort, but like anything else it gets easier with practice, and the amazing thing is, as we became more and more aware of these negative thoughts we are able to say:


"No! I will not plant this weed in the Garden of my Mind."


I will consciously choose to plant something better.The results are truly spectacular. When you start to consciously cultivate your own mind garden, you will truly be amazed at the changes which begin to happen in your life. Obstacles disappear, barriers fall away, and tlungs that you once thought were either impossible or very far away will suddenly come into view.


Any garden is an ongoing process. It"s not enough to just plant a single seed of happiness and then forget about it. Your frail little seedlmg would soon be choked by weeds. It is necessary to continuously pull out and throw away those weeds of fear, doubt and anxiety as soon as they appear.


Love, happiness and tranquility are all contagious. People who are continuously planting these seeds in theirown minds are also planting them in other people.


Remember:Your mind is a garden.Your thoughts are the seeds.You can grow flowers or, You can grow weeds.


So ask yourself, what are you going to grow in the glorious garden of your mind? May your life be filled with love, happiness and inspiration.



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