
那些让人伤心的遗憾文案 送给每一个人


If we can catch up with the good days, that generation will have good luck 那些不需要努力的一代什么都想要什么都不知道Those who

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Over the years, I have been looking for ways to solve myself


Gradually accept different steps of self-discipline


When it comes to how self disciplined you are, it"s true that you say how free you are


Perhaps we will eventually return to the dust, but it does not prevent us from writing the chapter of our life


Why can"t I live a colorful and happy life? I really want a lot, and I"m moving forward


If we can catch up with the good days, that generation will have good luck.


Those who don"t need to work hard don"t know what they want


The mantra is that subversion is just a repetition of the generation we will soon be submerged


But we know that people with old maps can"t find the new world. Only by believing in the distance can they reach the distance


Remember every setback and forget those setbacks

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