
看一眼就感同身受的文案 温情而文艺 满怀爱意


If you hate me, I dont care I dont live to please you 我喜欢牵了手就能成婚的故事,却活在上了床也没有结果的年代

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If you hate me, I don"t care. I don"t live to please you.


I like the story of holding hands and getting married, but I live in the age of no results in sex.


Some people are sincere to you, but some people have a reason behind it, hum, people unpredictable.


Learn to forget to give up.You are so careless, why should I be infatuated.


Another rain falls, wash away the dust of the downtown, quiet the noise of the heart.


Say what you want to say, do what you want to do, love who you want to love, this is what I want to live.


Later, I have been unable to distinguish between love and obsession.


When you chase me like a cat when you catch me like a dog when you break up like a beast this is you.


If one day, you start to regret giving up me, please remember, I never wanted to leave the way to teach you how to cherish.


Without you, my sky is missing a piece of color;Without you, my world more than a kind of missing.


I dare not buy lottery tickets or anything, in case I spend the good luck of meeting you.


Forgive me for summoning up courage, or passing by your world.

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