
看《Friends》19集学英语:The One Where The Monkey Gets Away


1 SIE192 同步字幕00:22 10The One Where The Monkey Gets Away 六人行 第1季 第19集 猴子被送走01:12 02Mail call! Rachel Greene,bunk

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1. SIE19


[00:22.10]The One Where The Monkey Gets Away 六人行 第1季 第19集 猴子被送走

[01:12.02]Mail call! Rachel Greene,bunk seven. 瑞秋,你有信

[01:14.79]Thank you. 谢谢

[01:17.62]Oh,cool! A free sample of coffee. 酷,免费试喝的咖啡

[01:21.09]Oh,good. Because where else would we get any? 太好了,因为在哪儿还有免费的咖啡?

[01:25.76]Oh,right. 哦,是啊

[01:29.10]-Oh,great. -What is it? -太好了 -那是什么?

[01:31.74]Country club newsletter. 乡村俱乐部的每日公报

[01:33.81]My mother sends me the engagement notices for inspiration. 我妈寄来通知有人要订婚了

[01:39.54]Oh,my God! It"s Barry and Mindy! 噢,我的天!是巴瑞和明蒂

[01:43.58]Barry,who you almost 巴瑞,你几乎…

[01:45.62]And Mindy,your maid of 明蒂,你的伴娘

[01:47.45]Let me see. That"s Mindy? 我看看,那是明蒂?

[01:50.22]She is pretty! 真漂亮!

[01:53.83]Lucky... 她真幸运…

[01:56.56]...to have had a friend like you. 有你这样的朋友

[02:01.-2]Now it"s quiet time. 现在是静默时间

[02:09.11]Marcel,bring me the rice. Come on. 马修,拿饭给我,快…

[02:12.21]Good boy. Give me the rice. 好小子.把饭给我

[02:14.21]Thank you. Good boy. 真乖,谢谢

[02:16.21]He"s mastered the difference between "bring me the" and "pee in the." 他终于能分辨“拿来”和“尿在”的差别了

[02:23.92]"Bring me the" and Rach? 瑞秋怎么啦?

[02:28.93]Oh,I"m sorry. 抱歉

[02:31.46]This is so stupid! 我真是太笨了

[02:33.40]I mean,I gave Barry up,right? 是我不要巴瑞的,对吧?

[02:35.73]I should be happy for them. 我应该为他们高兴

[02:38.00]I am. I"m happy for them. 我…真为他们高兴

[02:40.34]-Really? -No. -真的? -不

[02:43.41]I guess it would be different if I were with somebody. 如果我和别人在一起就不同了

[02:47.15]Whoa,what.... 谁,什么…

[02:49.78]What happened to "Forget relationships! I"m done with men!" 你不是说要忘了那段感情,不再和男人在一起

[02:54.19]The whole penis embargo? 厌恶男人吗?

[03:01.49]I don"t know. 我不知道

[03:02.83]It"s not about no guys. It"s about the right guy. 我想这不是没有男人的问题, 而是合适男人的问题

[03:07.30]With Barry it was safe and easy, but there was no heat. 和巴瑞在一起安全自在 但是没有激情

[03:11.70]With Paolo,all there was,was heat. 和保罗在一起就充满激情

[03:15.27]-lt was this raw,animal,sexual -Right. I got it. -如野兽般原始的性爱 -好了,我懂

[03:20.78]I was there. 我看过你们两个在一起的样子

[03:23.-1]Do you think you can have both? 你认为我能两者同时拥有吗?

[03:25.35]Someone who"s your best friend but also can make your toes curl. 找到一个能当知己 又能让我感受到激情的人?

[03:30.32]Yes. 是呀

[03:32.62]Yes,I do. I really do. 我也这么认为.我真的这么认为

[03:35.73]In fact,it"s funny. 其实说来好笑

[03:37.90]Often,someone you wouldn"t think could... 时常你认为

[03:41.50]...curl your toes... 无法让你感受到激情的人

[03:43.54]... might just be the one who... 却是…

[03:47.37]...gets interrupted. 被打断了

[03:49.01]How was the movie? 电影如何?

[03:50.81]-Wonderful! -So good! -很不错 -很不错

[03:52.71]-Suck fest. -Total chick flick. -逊毙了 -根本是小妞们看的嘛

[03:57.75]I"m sorry it wasn"t one of those movies with guns and bombs... 真遗撼这不是枪林弹雨

[04:02.59]...and buses going really fast! 公车速度奇快的那种电影

[04:07.16]I don"t need violence in a movie... 暴力并不能吸引我

[04:10.03]...as long as there"s a little nudity. 只要有裸体镜头我就满足了

[04:13.00]-There was nudity. -I meant female nudity. -那电影也有裸体镜头 -我是指女生的裸体镜头

[04:16.67]I don"t need to see Lou Grant frolicking. 我不爱看卢葛兰的春宫

[04:20.24]Hugh! Hugh Grant! 休葛兰特!

[04:24.24]All right,I"ve got to go. 我得走了

[04:26.44]Come on,Marcel. 走吧,马修,快

[04:28.08]We"re gonna go take a bath. Yes,we are,aren"t we? 我们去洗澡,对不对?对

[04:32.35]They"re still just friends,right? 他们只是朋友吗?

[04:38.62]And I will see you tomorrow. 明天见

[04:41.03]You"re gonna spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel"s. 对,你明天要到瑞秋阿姨家

[04:44.23]Does Aunt Monica get a say in this? 等等,摩尼卡阿姨能说句话吗?

[04:47.73]Please,Aunt Monica,please? 摩尼卡阿姨请说?

[04:50.37]Unclench. You"re not even gonna be here. 别紧张了,你不会在这儿的

[04:59.14]-I can"t believe we"re discussing this. -I agree. I"m,like,in disbelief. -我无法相信我们竟在讨论此事 -我同意,我也无法相信

[05:05.62]If it was gonna happen, wouldn"t it have happened already? 如果你和瑞秋会爱情产生的话? 还会一直拖到现在吗?

[05:09.45]She said she wants a relationship with someone exactly like me. 她说她在寻找像我这样的人

[05:14.16]She said that? 她真的这样说?

[05:15.66]I added the exactly like me" part. “像我这样”是我自己加的

[05:19.33]But she"s looking for someone. And someone will be there tonight. 她说她在寻找某人,而此人今晚就会出现

[05:24.00]"Tonight" tonight? 今天晚上?

[05:25.64]It"s perfect. It"ll just be the two of us. 这样最好不过了,因为只有我们两个

[05:28.61]She spent all day taking care of my monkey. 她整天都在照顾我的猴子

[05:34.18]I can"t remember the last time a girl took care of my monkey. 我早已忘记哪个女人照顾过我的猴子

[05:42.29]Anyway,I figured after work, I"d pick up some wine... 总之下班后我要去买瓶酒…

[05:46.49]...go over there and try to woo her. 去向她“示爱”

[05:51.73]Know what you should do? Know what you should do? 知道你该怎么做吗?

[05:53.50]Take her back to the 1 890s when that phrase was last used. 带她回到用“示爱”的十九世纪去

[06:01.57]If you keep this up,you"ll be finished by the weekend. 如果你继续这样,我发誓这星期内 你就可以和这个浑蛋结束

[06:06.14]The one in the feathered boa is Dr. Francis. 围羽毛围巾的是法博土

[06:09.45]Now,she used to be a man. 她曾是个男人

[06:12.52]Look,there"s Raven. 蕾文出现了

[06:14.05]We hate her. We"re glad she"s dying. 我们讨厌她,真高兴她就快死了

[06:17.79]And then What? Marcel! 什么?马修!

[06:20.56]Are you playing with Monica"s shoes? You"re not supposed to 想玩摩妮卡的鞋吗?你不能玩…

[06:26.80]Marcel,did you poo in the shoe? 马修,你在鞋里大便?

[06:30.44]Oh,Marcel! Bad monkey! 天啊,坏猴子

[06:33.67]Oh,God! 哦,天哪!

[06:40.58]Sorry,Barry. 抱歉,巴瑞

[06:43.-1]A little engagement gift. 一份小小的订婚礼物

[06:45.32]I"m sure you didn"t register for that. 我相信你没登记

[06:55.89]Who died? Who died? 谁死了?谁死了?

[06:58.36]Roll him over! Come on,roll him over! 翻过去!好不好,翻过去!

[07:02.13]Well,we know it wasn"t Dexter, right,Marcel? Because 好吧,我们知道不是崔斯勒, 因为…马修?…

[07:06.60]Marcel? 马修?

[07:11.68]-How could you lose him? -I don"t know! -你怎会把它弄丢了呢? -天晓得

[07:14.25]We were watching TV, he pooped in Monica"s shoe.... 我正在看电视, 它在摩妮卡的鞋内大便

[07:17.88]Wait. He pooped in my shoe? Which one? 它在我的鞋里大便?哪一双?

[07:21.02]I don"t know. The left one! 我不知道,左脚

[07:24.12]Which ones? 是哪一双?

[07:25.39]Those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything. 搭配什么都好看的阿米许鞋

[07:33.43]Why is the air in here so negative? 为何一片愁云惨雾?

[07:37.54]Rachel lost Marcel. 瑞秋把马修弄丢了

[07:39.54]Oh,no! How? 不会吧,怎么丢的?

[07:40.71]-He pooped in my shoe. -Which one? -它在我鞋里大便 -哪只?

[07:43.01]The cute black ones I always wear. 我常穿的那只可爱黑鞋

[07:45.58]No,which one? 是哪一只?

[07:47.85]The right or left? 左脚还右脚?

[07:50.68]Because the left one is lucky. 因为左脚是幸运鞋

[07:53.08]Come on! What am I gonna do? 大家快想办法!我该怎么办?

[07:55.02]All right. You"re a monkey. You"re loose in the city. 有了,如果你是只猴子,迷失在大城市时

[07:58.89]Where do you go? 你会去哪儿?

[08:01.19]It"s his first time out, so he"ll do touristy things. 这是它第一次出门, 所以大概和一般游客一样

[08:08.10]I"ll go to Cats. You go to the Russian Tea Room. 我去百老汇找.你去俄罗斯茶坊

[08:12.47]Oh,my God! Come on,you guys! 别再闹了!

[08:15.37]He"ll be home any minute. He"s gonna kill me! 他马上就会回家,他不会饶过我的

[08:18.08]Search the building. Take the first floor. We"ll take the rest. 我们从这栋公寓开始找起 你们找一楼和二楼,菲比和我找三楼和四楼

[08:22.55]What am I gonna do? 我该怎么办?

[08:24.15]You stay here and wait by the phone. 你留在家里等电话

[08:26.82]Spray Lysol in my shoe and wait for Ross to kill you. 在我鞋内啧芳香剂,顺便等罗斯回来杀你

[08:30.62]Does anybody want to trade? 有人要交换吗?

[08:40.30]What do you want? 干嘛?

[08:41.93]Mr. Heckles,have you seen a monkey? 哈克先生,我们朋友遗失了一只猴子 你有看见吗?

[08:45.50]I left a Belgian waffle out here. Did you take it? 我放了威化饼在这儿,是不是你拿了?

[08:49.51]-Why"d you leave it in the hall? -I wasn"t ready for it. -你怎会放威化饼在走廊? -我还不想吃

[08:54.-4]Have you seen a monkey? 你有看见猴子吗?

[08:57.15]I saw Regis Philbin once. 我看过“理吉斯菲邦”

[09:00.-4]Thank you,Mr. Heckles. 谢谢你,哈克先生

[09:02.92]You owe me a waffle. 你们欠我威化饼

[09:06.42]He"s a black capuchin monkey with a white face... 他是一只白脸的黑卷尾猴

[09:10.19]...with Russian dressing and pickles on the side. 加俄国酱外加腌黄瓜

[09:15.47]Thanks. 好,谢谢

[09:18.37]How did it go today? 今天过得如何?

[09:20.-2]Oh,great! It went great. Really great. 很好啊!很好啊.真的很不错

[09:23.11]Is that wine? 那是酒吗?

[09:25.18]You want some? 是的,想喝吗?

[09:26.91]Oh,I would love some. 我非常乐意来点

[09:28.88]But let"s not drink it here. 可是我们别在这儿喝

[09:31.45]I"m feeling crazy. You wanna go to Newark? 我感觉有点疯狂,我们去纽华克好吗?

[09:39.09]Okay,but before we head off to the murder capital of the Northeast... 前往这东北犯罪首府之前…

[09:44.83]... I kind of wanted to run something by you. …我有些话想说

[09:48.23]You know how we were talking before... 我们曾谈过…

[09:51.00]...about relationships,and stuff. …感情的问题

[09:54.04]-Oh,God,Ross,I cannot do this! -Okay,quick and painful. -罗斯,我受不了了! -你回绝得倒是很快嘛

[10:07.02]Oh,God! 哦,上帝啊!

[10:08.52]Okay,all right. All right,okay. 好吧,好吧

[10:11.76]Please don"t hate me. 罗斯,别恨我

[10:14.00]What? 到底是什么?

[10:17.90]You know Marcel? 马修它…

[10:23.23]I kind of lost him. 我把它…弄丢了

[10:41.09]I can"t believe this. 我真不敢相信

[10:44.59]All I asked you to do was keep him in here! 我只是麻烦你别让它跑出去

[10:47.89]I know. I"m sorry. 我知道,对不起

[10:49.26]It"s partially my fault. 不,我该负一半的责任

[10:51.33]I shouldn"t have had you start with a monkey. 我不该叫你照顾猴子

[10:54.30]You should have started with a pencil. 应该叫你照顾铅笔才对

[10:57.60]I"m doing everything I can. Everyone"s looking for him and I got 罗斯,我已尽最大的努力 我已叫大家分头去找

[11:04.78]-Who is it? -Animal Control. -是谁? -动物控制中心

[11:06.81]-I"ve even got Animal Control. -You called Animal Control? -瞧,我甚至打给动物控制中心 -你打给动物控制中心?

[11:13.68]Why? Do you not like them? 怎么了?你不喜欢他们?

[11:19.-3]Marcel is an illegal exotic animal. 马修是非法的外来动物

[11:26.26]I"m not allowed to have him. If they find him,they"ll take him away. 我是非法饲养.万一被他们找到他们就会带走它

[11:31.57]Well,now,see, you never ever told us that. 好吧,可是,你从来就没有告诉大家

[11:35.67]Because I never expected you to invite them to the apartment! 没错,因为我没想到你会请他们来

[11:45.12]Thanks for coming. 谢谢你来

[11:46.72]Somebody called about a monkey? 有人遗失猴子?

[11:49.09]You know,that was a complete misunderstanding. 对,这完全是个误会

[11:52.79]We thought we had a monkey, but we didn"t. 我以为我们有养猴子, 但是我们没有

[11:55.59]-Turned out it was a hat. -Cat! -结果是帽子 -猫!

[11:59.76]We checked,no one"s seen Marcel. 我们查过了,没人看到马修

[12:02.63]-My uncle Marcel. -ls that who the monkey"s named after? -我叔叔马修 -那猴子是以你叔叔命名?

[12:07.87]Possession of an illegal exotic is punishable... 你知道持有非法外来动物

[12:11.08]... by two years in prison and confiscation of the animal. 可判刑两年并没收动物?

[12:14.78]Oh,my God! 天啊

[12:16.58]You"d put that poor little creature in jail? 你要把这可怜的小东西关进监牢?

[12:24.52]Remember how we talked about saying things quietly to yourself first? 菲比,你记得如何先对自己小声说吗?

[12:29.93]Yes,but there isn"t always time. 记得,但总不是时候

[12:35.83]I"m sure there"s some friendly way to reconcile this. Have a seat. 我相信我们能以友善的处理方式,请坐

[12:40.81]We haven"t met. I"m Monica Geller. 首先,我们还没自己介绍,我叫摩妮卡

[12:43.61]Oh,my God,you are! 天啊,你是莫尼卡

[12:46.44]And you"re Rachel Greene! 还有,你是瑞秋对吗?

[12:49.78]Luisa Gianetti! Lincoln High? 露莎,林肯高中

[12:52.65]I sat behind you guys in homeroom. 我坐在你们后面

[12:56.69]Luisa! Oh,my God! 露莎!哦,天哪!

[13:00.12]Monica! It"s Luisa! 摩妮卡,是露莎

[13:04.83]I went there too! 我也去了那里!

[13:06.46]Luisa! From homeroom! 是在后面那个?

[13:10.57]You have no idea who I am,do you? 你们根本不知道我是谁对不?

[13:13.54]-No. -Not at all. -不 -一点也不

[13:15.44]Well,maybe that"s because you spent four years ignoring me. 或许你们那四年,都在当我不存在

[13:20.28]Would it have been hard to say, "Morning,Luisa"... 难道说“早安,露莎”

[13:24.25]...or "Nice overalls"? 或“好漂亮的连身裤”有那么困难吗?

[13:31.16]Oh,I"m so sorry! 对不起

[13:33.-3]It"s not so much you. You were fat. You had your own problems. 我不怪你,你当时很胖, 你有自己的烦恼

[13:39.26]But you. What a bitch! 可是你实在是个贱货

[13:43.33]What? 什么?

[13:44.80]You know what? Be that as it may... 别计较了

[13:47.44]...could you help us with the monkey thing,for old times"sake? 你真认为你能帮我们找猴子? 看在过去的份上?

[13:51.74]Go,Bobcats! 帮我们找

[13:54.31]I could. But I won"t. 我可以,我不

[13:57.45]If I find that monkey,he"s mine. 如果我找到猴子,它就是我的了

[14:05.86]Sorry. 抱歉

[14:11.16]Marcel? 马修?

[14:12.86]Marcel? 马修?

[14:22.47]Hi,can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?

[14:28.48]We"re having an emergency, and we were looking for something. 我们有急事,我们在找东西

[14:33.85]-A monkey. -Yes,have you seen any? -猴子 -对,你有看见吗?

[14:36.72]No,I haven"t seen a monkey. 我没看见猴子

[14:39.36]Can you fix radiators? 你知道如何修理散热器吗?

[14:41.53]Sure! Did you try turning the knob back the other way? 当然!你试过将转钮转回去吗?

[14:45.23]-Of course! -Oh. Then,no. -当然! -那之后我就不知道了

[14:52.34]-Taste this. Is there too much rum? -Just a second. -试试这个是不是加太多兰姆酒了? -等等

[14:56.47]-Hope you find your monkey. -No,wait! -希望你们能找到猴子 -不,等等

[15:00.51]We may not know about radiators... 我们对散热器或许不太懂

[15:03.25]... but we do have expertise in the heating and cooling milieu. 我们可是冷暖环境的专家

[15:11.72]Aren"t we in the middle of something? 我们不是正在忙吗?

[15:14.29]But these women are very hot, and they need our help. 对,她们很热而且需要帮助

[15:18.90]And they"re very hot! 而且很火辣

[15:23.40]We can"t,all right? 我们不行

[15:25.17]We"re sorry. 抱歉你们不知道

[15:26.77]You don"t know how sorry. We promised to find this monkey. 我们有多抱歉,我们答应人家要找猴子

[15:30.88]He"s this high and answers to the name Marcel. 它约这么高,名叫马修

[15:34.21]So if we could get pictures of you, it"d help us out. 如果能拥有你们的照片,就算是帮了大忙

[15:46.59]From now on,you don"t get to talk to other people. 从现在起不准你和其他人讲话

[15:58.77]-Oh,my God! -What? -噢,我的天! -什么?

[16:00.10]Something brushed up against my right leg. 有东西碰到我的右脚

[16:04.07]Oh,it"s okay. It was just my left leg. 没什么,是我的左脚

[16:08.71]Look,Phoebe! 看,菲比

[16:10.45]Oh,Marcel! Come here! 马修,过来…

[16:12.75]Step aside,ladies. 站过去,两位小姐

[16:16.-4]-What are you gonna do? -Just a tranquilizer. -你要干什么? -打镇定剂

[16:35.-2]Run,Marcel,run! 快跑,马修,快跑!

[16:37.14]Damn! 坏了!

[16:38.41]-Are you okay? -I think so. -你还好吧? -还行.哦

[16:50.15]Oh,gosh! 哦,糟了!

[17:02.67]We"ve been all over the neighborhood! He"s just gone! 我们把周围的邻居都找遍了, 它不见了,就这么消失了

[17:06.70]-You don"t know that. -It"s cold,it"s dark. -罗斯,还不一定 -拜托,天气好冷天又黑

[17:10.04]He doesn"t know the Village! 它根本不认识路!

[17:12.51]And now I have a broken foot. I have no monkey and a broken foot! 现在我的脚又受伤了, 猴子没了还换来受伤的脚

[17:17.68]Thank you very much! 真的感谢你!

[17:19.15]I"ve said I"m sorry a million times. 罗斯,我已向你道歉过无数次

[17:22.25]What do you want me to do? 你到底要我怎么样?

[17:24.22]You want me to break my foot too? I"ll break it right now. 你也要我的脚受伤?要我也把脚弄伤

[17:28.26]Oh,my God! There,are you happy now? 瞧,高兴了吧

本文如果对你有帮助,请点赞收藏《看《Friends》19集学英语:The One Where The Monkey Gets Away》,同时在此感谢原作者。

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