
分手后难过伤心的感伤文案 简单优雅 治愈内心


People live tired, because can not put shelf, tear open face, solution can not open complex 我今生最大的奢望就是:天天和你在同个盆里洗脚,平淡相守到老,老到我们哪也去不了

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People live tired, because can not put shelf, tear open face, solution can not open complex.


My greatest hope in this life is: every day with you in the same basin to wash feet, plain together to the old, old to where we can not go.


I"m looking for a good friend we can talk about.We are not love is incomparable friendship.


Time will tell you the truth.Some things, until you gradually sober, to understand it is a mistake.


To a person who has no idea of the way, the most valuable tears are: you stand still, I will come to get you.


She has left us today, may you have a good journey, rest in peace, no pain in heaven.


I"m a fool, but believe me, I didn"t mean it.Can you forgive me?My dear!


I can smile at you show affection is not strong.


Enduring as the universe, and son xielao is not without, but too little, lying in the middle, more is life and death contract wide.


You, the person I love most in my life;You, my life most want to;You, my life waiting for the people;You, the only one in my life.


Life is so long, wait for you a few years what.


One day, you"ll be my grandson"s grandmother!

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