
满是难过的情感文案 温柔治愈 让人难以忘怀


You didnt come back as scheduled Thats what parting is all about 我们改变不了常规的定律,但完全能掌控自己

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You didn"t come back as scheduled. That"s what parting is all about.


We can"t change the rules, but we can control ourselves.


When you are good to me, I do not think too much, I want to be good to you, but you have left.


Do not expect the sparrow will fly much high, because above is the eagle"s domain, only to find the right position, will be happy.


When you are happy, you want to think, this happiness is not eternal.When you are in pain you want to think that the pain is not eternal.


You gave me the promise, in the end but become a lie.


I can"t say why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don"t love others.


You said goodbye to me, I mouth reluctantly a wry smile, go forward, did not turn back


Do not take the initiative to lose, too active will not cherish, this is the heart


Love is true, only happiness is false.That once thought of love together...Love is just fate under a bureau.


Then finally you become someone else"s story, I am no longer the one telling the story, wish you well, I do not bother.


It"s really romantic to have someone to walk with when it rains.


Don"t wait for tomorrow, because no one knows whether he will have tomorrow.


If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic.

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