
川教版_五年级英语上册_三年级起点单词列表 例句汇总


Unit 1 Lesson 110个单词她写了本国际法教材

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Unit 1 Lesson 1(10个单词)


·textbook[tekstbk] / n.课本She wrote a textbook on international law.(她写了本国际法教材。)·notebook[ntbk] / n.笔记本He copied the data into a notebook.(他将数据抄在一个笔记本上。)·storybook[st:ribk] / n.故事书Look, I have a new storybook.(看,我有一本新的故事书。)·workbook[w:kbk] / n.练习册Calling this method closes the workbook.(调用此方法会关闭工作簿。)·mine[man] / pron.我的That wasn""t his fault, it was mine.(那不是他的错,是我的错。)·yours[j:z] / pron.你(们)的Are these all yours?(这些都是你的吗?)·hers[h:z] / pron.她的Hers was the suggestion I acted upon.(我是按照她的建议去做的。)·his/ pron.他的He looks really cool next to his sports car.(他站在自己的跑车旁边,看起来酷毙了!)·whose[hu:z] / pron.谁的Whose wallet is this?(这是谁的钱包?)·one by one[wn bai wn] / 一个一个地One by one they got out.(他们一个一个地走了出去。)Unit 1 Lesson 2(13个单词)


·art[ɑ:t] / n.艺术Mona Lisa is a piece of art.(蒙娜丽莎的画像是一个艺术品。)·PE[pi:""i:] / abbr.体育We have maths,PE and computer class.(我们有数学、体育和计算机课。)·ME(Moral Education)[m:rl edju:kein] / 思想品德Moral education is a social practice for cultivating individuals.(思想品德是一种培养人的社会实践活动。)·music[mju:zk] / n.音乐Put some upbeat music on to complement my moves!(放点欢快的音乐,配合着我的舞步!)·maths[mθs] / n.数字How did you do in the maths test?(你的数学考的怎么样?)·computer[kmpju:t(r)] / n.计算机I could do all my work on the computer.(我所有的工作都能在计算机上完成。)·science[sans] / n.科学Science has greatly improved human life.(科学已经极大的改善了人类的生活。)·social studies/ n.社会课Do you have social studies?(你们上社会学的课吗?)·class[klɑ:s] / n.课She is teaching class to his students.(她正在给学生们上课。)·subject[sbdkt] / n.学科These are my new subjects.(这些是我的新科目。)·because[bkz] / conj.因为I was sad because I was ill.(我很难过,因为我病了。)·*enjoy[nd] / vt.欣赏The play was over before we would fully enjoy it.(这场戏我们还没有尽情欣赏就结束了。)·*funny[fni] / adj.有趣的It was so funny that the icon cried with laughter.((这个笑话)太好笑了,表情都笑出眼泪了。)Unit 1 Lesson 3(11个单词)


·easy[i:zi] / adj.容易的This is not an easy task.(这不是件容易的差事。)·magic[mdk] / adj.神奇的Do you believe in magic?(你相信魔法真的存在吗?)·important[mp:tnt] / adj.重要的I have some important calls to make.(我要打几个重要的电话。)·interesting[ntrst] / adj.有趣的The show is interesting.We all laugh.(这个节目很有趣,我们都笑了。)·difficult[dfklt] / adj.难的It""s difficult to find on the calendar.(很难在日历上找到。)·boring[b:r] / adj.无趣的This class is so boring that he falls asleep.(这堂课太无聊了,他睡着了。)·useful[ju:sfl] / adj.有用的I need a useful dictionary.(我需要一本有用的词典。)·useless[ju:sls] / adj.无用的He knew it was useless to protest.(他知道抗议是徒劳的。)·what[wt] / pron.什么What is going on here?(这里发生了什么事情?)·work hard[w:k hɑrd] / 努力学习Your progress will urge us to work hard.(你的进步会促进我们努力学习。)·*Cool![ku:l] / n.太棒了!She""s a real cool customer.(她是个很冷静的家伙。)Unit 2 Lesson 1(14个单词)


·hundred[hndrd] / num.一百I got one hundred percent!(我考了一百分!)·thousand[θaznd] / num.一千This hall is big enough for a thousand people.(这个礼堂能盛一千人。)·swimming[swm] / v.在游泳Do you like to go swimming?(你喜欢去游泳吗?)·singing[s] / v.在唱歌She singing often gets out of tune.(她唱歌爱走调儿。)·watching TV/ 在看电视I""m watching TV.(我在看电视。)·working[w:k] / v.在工作You""ve been working very hard.(你们工作辛苦了。)·sleeping[""sli:p] / v.在睡觉I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.(我像往常一样铺开我的睡袋。)·eating[i:t] / v.在吃She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·listening to music / 在听音乐She"" listening to music.(她在听音乐。)·reading[ri:d] / v.在读书She is reading a handbook on gardening.(她正在阅读一本园艺手册。)·*missing[ms] / adj.遗漏的One book is missing.(少了一本书。)·*solve[slv] / vt.解;解答This problem is too hard for me to solve.(这个问题太难,我解决不了。)·*puzzle[pzl] / n.难题;谜I have in mind some doubts which really puzzle me.(我心中有一个疑团,百思不得其解。)·a piece of cake[ pi:s v keik] / n.容易的事It""s a piece of cake.(小菜一碟。)Unit 2 Lesson 2(14个单词)


·body[bdi] / n.身体The man""s body is so strong!(这个男人的身体真强壮!)·a pair of wings/ 一对翅膀I wish have a pair of wings that could fly in the sky.(我渴望有一双翅膀,能够在天空中飞翔。)·insect[nsekt] / n.昆虫There""re many kinds of insects,such as butterflies,bees and ants.(昆虫有很多不同种类,比如蝴蝶、蜜蜂和蚂蚁。)·soft[sft] / adj.柔软的Pat it dry with a soft towel.(用柔软的毛巾将它拍干。)·hard[hɑ:d] / adj.硬的It""s hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.(在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。)·*butterfly[btfla] / n.蝴蝶It is a very pretty butterfly.(这是一只非常美丽的蝴蝶。)·*dragonfly[drgnfla] / n.蜻蜓The dragonfly feeds on mosquitoes and flies.(蜻蜓捕食蚊蝇。)·*nothing[nθ] / pron.什么也没有There is nothing wrong with the car.(这车一点毛病也没有。)·tell[tel] / vt.告诉Would you like to tell me what happened?(能告诉我发生了什么事吗?)·*ladybug[""ledbɡ] / n.瓢虫The ladybug crawls on the bush.(螵虫在灌木上爬。)·most[mst] / adj.大部分的Who ate the most?(谁吃得最多?)·not[nt] / adv.不;没有It""s not our business.(这不关我们的事。)·no[n] / n.不;没有No,I don""t.(不,我没有。)·yes / n.是的Yes,I do.(是的,我喜欢。)Unit 2 Lesson 3(8个单词)

·Mount Fuji/ n.富士山I went to Japan to climb Mount Fuji.(我去了日本爬富士山。)·the Eiffel Tower / n.埃菲尔铁塔The Eiffel Tower is a main attraction in Paris.(艾菲尔铁塔是巴黎一个主要旅游景点。)·Big Ben / n.大本钟You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)·the Great Wall / 长城They visit the Great Wall.(他们参观长城。)·the White House / 白宫I want to see the White House and visit the museums there.(我想去参观白宫,参观那里的博物馆。)·Japan[d""pn] / n.日本Japan is an island country.(日本是个岛国。)·France[frɑ:ns] / n.法国He travelled France from end to end.(他游遍了法国。)·*spell[spel] / vt.拼写You can spell the word, can not you?(你能拼写这词,对吗?)Unit 3 Lesson 1(9个单词)


·clock[klk] / n.钟It""s a large clock.(这是一个大钟。)·bed[bed] / n.床On the bed?(在床上?)·room[ru:m] / n.房间The living room looked warm and welcoming.(客厅看起来温暖舒适。)·bedroom[bedru:m] / n.卧室I want to sleep in a bedroom like this.(我想在这样的卧室里睡觉。)·TV[ti: vi:] / abbr.电视机They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.(他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面孔了。)·lamp[lmp] / n.台灯The lamp is lit up.(灯亮了。)·bookshelf[bkelf] / n.书架He keeps many books on his bookshelf.(他的书架上一直有许多书。)·desk[desk] / n.书桌On the desk.(在课桌上。)·chair[te(r)] / n.椅子Put your schoolbag on the chair.(把你的书包放在椅子上。)Unit 3 Lesson 2(10个单词)


·woman[wmn] / n.妇女Young beautiful woman drinking coffee at home.(年轻漂亮的女人在家喝咖啡。)·man[mn] / n.男人A man smiles happily.(一个男的笑的很开心。)·cousin[kzn] / n.堂兄妹I always play with my little cousin.(我总是跟我的小表妹玩。)·family[fmli] / n.家庭To him the family is the core of society.(对他来说,家庭是社会的核心。)·father[fɑ:(r)] / n.父亲This father has a daughter and a son.(这个父亲有一儿一女。)·mother[m(r)] / n.母亲She is my mother.(她是我的母亲。)·grandfather[grnfɑ:(r)] / n.爷爷;外公His grandfather was a professor.(他的祖父曾是一名教授。)·grandmother[grnm(r)] / n.奶奶;外婆Grandmother is getting along and doesn""t hear too well any more.(祖母上年纪了,耳朵已经听不清了。)·people[pi:pl] / n.人There are many different people in the world.(世界上有许多不同的人。)·in purple/ 穿紫色衣服She was dressed in purple.(她穿着紫色的衣服。)Unit 3 Lesson 3(11个单词)


·dancer[dɑ:ns(r)] / n.舞蹈演员;舞蹈家She can be counted as a dancer.(她可以算一个舞蹈家。)·cook[kk] / n.厨师I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)·policeman[pli:smn] / n.男警察The policeman has caught the murderer alive.(警察已捉拿到凶手。)·policewoman[pli:swmn] / n.女警察She""s a policewoman.(她是一位女警察。)·doctor[dkt(r)] / n.医生I want to be a doctor in the doctor.(我想将来成为一名医生。)·nurse[n:s] / n.护士I want to be a nurse.(我想当一名护士。)·driver[drav(r)] / n.驾驶员The driver got out of his van.(司机从货车上下来。)·worker[w:k(r)] / n.工人The worker was ready to work.(工人准备好工作了。)·singer[s(r)] / n.歌唱家She used to be a singer of some renown.(她曾是位小有名气的歌手。)·*taxi-driver[""tks""drav] / n.出租车司机My uncle is a taxi driver.(我的叔叔是个出租汽车司机。)·*pupil[pju:pl] / n.小学生I am a pupil.(我是小学生。)《川教版_五年级英语上册_三年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。

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