
唯美高级的情感文案 精致而高级 走心又深情!


我答应不会让任何人伤害你,包括我自己在内。相信我,我会给你幸福。I promise I wont let anyone hurt you, not even myself Believe me, I

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I promise I won"t let anyone hurt you, not even myself.Believe me, I will give you happiness.


When old month old, I would like to accompany you, quietly close your eyes.


Tickets back to you, the future of bitter and difficult, I a person to cross.After all, the city is still busy without you.


I miss you painfully. I miss you when I feel lonely. I miss you sweet but I miss you when I am happy.


Once, love crazy.Now, the wound is beautiful.


?There will be days when the wind is a little strong and the rain is a little urgent,


You hide in the wind, I walk in the fog.


How can I hide away, the whim of fate.


Happiness, but provence"s lavender, only open a season.


Seems to be used to waiting, simply think waiting will come...


I hope you have a better life than me!Happier and happier than when we were together!


No matter how time changes, all I need is you, just you by my side is enough.

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