
温文尔雅的情感文字 浪漫又深情 爱情永存


I laugh at your narcissism, in fact, the voice in my heart is that you are really really beautiful 一年有三百六十五天,我只喜欢你四天,春天夏天秋天冬天

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Before you, please, at least like me...


The quilt is well covered, the dream is sweet,


I laugh at your narcissism, in fact, the voice in my heart is that you are really really beautiful.


There are 365 days in a year, I only like you four days, spring, summer, autumn and winter.


I like Ely Choolets so much because I like you. It doesn"t make any sense.


You"re not nobody, you"re there for all the weather and all the moods, okay


I use a person"s persistence, treat two people lonely.


Without permission."Presuming to like you."


The most tiring thing in the world is to see your heart broken and have to stick it on yourself.


Please don"t treat me as a fool, some things are not I don"t know, but I see in the eyes, buried in the heart.


Say one-sided is stay up late, say it is insomnia really, be you really?


You can see my words on the screen, you can"t see my tears on the keyboard.

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