
适用于宣泄情绪的高级文案 抚慰心绪 深刻有涵义!


很难忘记你的日子~我会尽量不打扰你~If you have something to say, you will never tell me again Its hard to forget your day ~ Ill try not to disturb you ~这一刻,是这一刻的开始

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If you have something to say, you will never tell me again. It"s hard to forget your day ~ I"ll try not to disturb you ~


This moment is the beginning of this moment. Let"s not contact again. If possible, try to completely disconnect.


It has been a long time since we broke up. Think about the five years we spent together, but things are different now! ! ! Perhaps the best way for me now is to bless you not to disturb you, which may be good for both of us! ! ! ! Never again! !


I"m really not a fan of yours. I don"t like you and I haven"t heard your songs, but I"ve been sad for two days and cried countless times. The first time is really the first time. I regret that I didn"t pay attention to you before, didn"t try my best to give you some positive energy, didn"t comfort you, and now I just hope that there will be no depression in heaven, no swearing everywhere, and no derailment in life. Rest in peace, and don"t bother you again.


Stop caring about the soul. It"s God"s business. All you can do is small things, such as loving time, missing mom, being quiet, being as innocent as in the morning.


So that"s what disappearing is. I am willing to stop disturbing you. I just hope you have a good life, remember your agreement with me, and see you at dusk. Thank you for your company these two months.


Few people, very, very few people, own treasures. If you really have it, don"t let it go.


In this way, we miss each other, pay attention to each other silently, leave each other alone and have each other"s lives. Well, that"s good.


It doesn"t matter. I like you so much that even if you deliberately avoid me, I will treat you as if you just don"t have time to see me. Finally, I won"t bother you again. When I was covered in blood, I met cold water today. I may never go crazy again when I am young. I can"t be crazy.


Sometimes I feel like a psycho, pestering myself and disturbing others.

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