
今日份值得复制粘贴的文案 精致小众 富有腔调


I used to think that others were not good enough to me Now I understand that I am too narrowminded 去年给你买秋天的第一杯奶

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I used to think that others were not good enough to me. Now I understand that I am too narrow-minded.


The boy who bought you the first cup of milk tea in autumn last year will buy it for you this year?


I like autumn best. The smell of sugar fried chestnuts will come out all over the street.


The summer regret that to autumn, the autumn wind will dissolve all the regrets.


For me, the word goodbye is full of expectation.


When you can finish what you should do and do your best, why don"t you worry about success?


Admit it, you are also a coward who secretly cries at night.


In the past, I always felt that all the efforts were worth it. Now I look back and deserve it.


No one"s Island hides the romance of stars.


It"s not the shoes that hurt your feet, but the rough road you choose.


You never steal. Why do you always look at him secretly?


It is because I like him that I unconsciously plated him with a layer of light.


Don"t be one meter eight, don"t be handsome, take responsibility, and look right.

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